Play Dough Schedule

Welcome 2016!

We are looking for families to make play dough for our class learning. If you would like to make a batch of playdough for our class this new year and have not yet sent in the  form indicating your interest, please send us a note in your childs' communication booklet and we will be more than happy to add you to our schedule.

Thank you for your support!

Upcoming Playdough Schedule: 

??? :(


Play Dough Recipe

2 cups flour
1/2 cup salt
1 tablespoon cream of tartar
1 tablespoon oil
2 cups water
Juice powder (e.g. Kool Aid, Crystal Light) for colour.

Combine dry ingredients in heavy duty pot. Add in liquids. Stir over medium heat as it starts to “lump up.” Stir, stir, cook, cook. Mush down and keep cooking. The longer you cook and stir the smoother and less sticky it will be. Cook it until it forms into a big blob! Remove from heat and cool on counter. Will keep in zip-lock bag or plastic container.

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