Monday 18 April 2016

We have enjoyed reading lots of classic fables and practising our retells over the last few weeks. Ask your child what their favourite story was. Then have your child retell the story to you. Encourage them to use words such as "first, then, next, after, finally". 


 Measuring length and height using non-standard (snap cubes, lego, 2D shapes, waterbottles) and standard units (ruler, measuring tape, meter stick).

Learning about capacity can be so much fun! We learned that capacity is the amount a container can hold without overflowing. We can fill containers using a variety of things such as water, sand, snap cubes, shells, teddy bears, and even macaroni!

Friday 1 April 2016

Math Learning

A peak at some of the amazing mathematical learning that has been happening in our class this March. We not only experimented with building large 3D structures (top left), but we are learned about symmetry and created these amazing designs with our friends! P.S. can you tell how much we love our new Magna Tiles? 

Remember those boxes we asked you to send in with your child? Take a lot at their amazing transformation. Each student identified a 3D structure in our community, drew and wrote up a plan (blueprint), and built it using a variety of materials. Can you identify the different buildings? 

Literacy Learning

A peak at some of the fun literacy activities we have been enjoying. Student reading and writing has come a long way this year! Ask your child about the above literacy activities, and which one they enjoyed the most.
 Snow, Winter, and Snowflakes!
We had so much fun enjoying and learning about the (limited) snow this winter. Our students had so many wonders that they got to investigate and learn from. Take a look at some of our learning below!

Investigating snow! If you look closely, you can see evidence of the water/snow cycle; 1. snow, 2. slush, 3. water, 4. ? *ask your child what would eventually happen to the water if we left it ouside.  
One of our students discovered the importance of wearing gloves when playing outside in the winter! 

Some more evidence of our learning! Ask your child what they learned about snow, winter and snowflakes.

Did you know that every different? Each one is unique just like us! Ask your child why the number 6 is important when learning about and building a snowflake.